The South African Legion Cape Town Branch
The SA Legion is a national organisation, part of a world-wide family that addresses the needs of ex-service personnel and their dependents by way of housing, pensions, employment and general welfare. It is apolitical, non-sectarian, non-racial, non-sexist and non-partisan.
It represents the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League (RCEL) on welfare matters and interacts with recipients who are resident in South Africa.
The SA Legion’s Objectives
The SA Legion is dedicated to:
- Fostering the spirit of self-sacrifice, comradeship and co-operation that inspired members of the armed forces to work together in the common interest of their country.
- Perpetuating the memory of those who fell and were left behind to lie in foreign fields... read more about our objectives.
How the SA Legion began
After suffering the horrors of war in France and Flanders, thousands of men who fought on the British side in World War One underwent incredible hardship once they had been discharged from the armed services and returned to civilian life.
Realising the serious plight in which men found themselves, three prominent soldiers - Field Marshall Earl Haig, General the Rt. Hon. J C Smuts and General Sir H T Lukin - founded the British Empire Service League... continued